How can one help millions of stray animals? It is impossible to do it alone, but we can make this possible. Let's fly high with Petto x Kiki.
We are thankful to everyone that supported us during crowd funding in Dream Factory Startup Contest in September 2018. We are so glad to have you all with us at the start, we hope that we can celebrate every single milestone with you in the future. Together we can create a better lifestyle for our beloved pets, and a better future for stray animals out there.
#petto #onlinepetshop #kucing #kedaikucingonline #CatFoodMalaysia #helpthestrayanimal #petshopMalaysia #petshopJohorBahru #dreamfactory #startup #TNR #PETTOxKIKI #Overpopulation #MalaysiaStrayAnimal #spayneuter #AdoptDon'tShop